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Therapy with ayahuasca

Ayahuasca (also called yage) is appearing more and more often in the media and in popular culture these days, and many people report landmark experiences with strong therapeutic effects. I often get questions about ayahuasca and I will answer some of them here.

What is it?

In simple terms, ayahuasca is a drink that is mainly brewed from two types of plants from South America. One is a climbing plant called ayahuasca ( baisteriopsis caapi ) which contains DMT, which is the psychoactive substance in the drink. DMT is found naturally in a number of plants, but when ingested, it is usually digested by the enzymes in the stomach and therefore has no psychoactive effect. However , combining this plant with the leaves of a shrub called chacruna ( psychotria viridis ) (or others, depending on the country in which the tea is made) allows the body to absorb it orally . Other ingredients that can be added to ayahuasca tea include ayahuma bark, capirona bark, uchu sanago and wyra caspi bark.

Why do you do that?

Classic psychedelics (mushrooms/psilocybin, LSD, peyote/mescaline and DMT) seem to have good psychotherapeutic effects for several disorders, including depression, anxiety and addiction. In addition, many people use it to "find themselves" or find solutions to problems in life, from personal to professional. Gabor Maté's explanation in this lecture sounds good to my ears, but there are many other interesting hypotheses out there as well. When it comes to research on ayahuasca, it is conducted in a different way than, for example, on psilocybin, LSD and MDMA due to the large pharmacological variations in the brew itself. Therefore, clinical trials are not initiated and it will take a long time before it can be approved as a medicine in the West. However, there are still some interesting observational studies out there that are worth looking at. For example, this .

How does it work?

This is actually a bit uncertain. One could argue that it is a purely physiological effect of psychedelics reducing activity in an area called the Default Mode Network , which increases activity in the rest of the brain and forms new neural pathways. This makes it easier to think differently and break habits. One could also argue that it is a purely psychological process where you get the opportunity to become your own therapist by becoming extra aware of your own thought processes for a few hours. Most people probably believe that it is both and that the physiological and psychological cannot be separated. It has long been concluded that the right "set and setting", or state of mind and environment, is a decisive factor for good results. This means that the pure pharmacological effect cannot be isolated from the environment, as can be done with most medications we have available today.

Image of an ayahuscua ceremony
Image of an ayahuscua ceremony in Peru

Where do you do it?

In Scandinavia, there are several ayahuasca ceremonies that are arranged at regular intervals, often arranged by traveling "ayahuasqueros". The price can vary, but it is not uncommon for two to four thousand per person for a weekend. This is in a group setting with 5-15 participants. Ayahuasca is not legal in Norway. Outside of Norway, there are several legal alternatives, both traveling events and permanent "retreats". There is a list of which countries ayahuasca is legal in here . There are many good "ayahuasqueros", but also some that have received strong criticism. My recommendation is to make sure you have a good support system around you and do proper research before buying airline tickets.

What does the risk picture look like?

The pharmacology of ayahuasca is more complex than, for example, classic psychedelics alone (LSD, psilocybin, DMT, mescaline) and this means that there are a few more things to watch out for. First, ayahuasca can be very dangerous to combine with several medications, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, medications used to treat Parkinson's, cough medicines, weight loss medications and more. In addition, consuming ayahuasca can increase heart rate and blood pressure more than with classic psychedelics, which can lead to dangerous side effects if you have a heart condition.

Read more about the risks of taking psychedelics here.

In addition, there is the same risk picture for psychological consequences as for classic psychedelics, with a particular focus on people who have been diagnosed with psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar depression or the like. This means that there are physiological and psychological risks associated with the use of ayahuasca and anyone considering using ayahuasca should weigh the risks and benefits, and ensure that medical help is available.

Read more about possible options for psychedelic therapy here.

More information about psychedelic therapy?