Everyone will die, but most people still fear death. The irony is that sometimes the fear is so dominant that one is unable to enjoy life until death occurs. Such a fear of death can affect young and old, healthy and sick. Research on psychedelics from the 60s showed promising results with cancer patients, but since it was not common to have a placebo control group at that time, they have not carried much weight in modern pharmacology. After the hippie wave, these substances were banned and research practically stopped for 30 years. Dying patients are the group that is easiest to get approval for using experimental treatments and medications, so the first psilocybin studies in modern times addressed this group.
Studies and results
One of the first large-scale studies of psychedelics in modern times was conducted at Johns Hopkins University on a group of patients with life-threatening cancer. Two similar studies were conducted in 2011 and 2014 with 12 participants, so the goal here was to see if the results held up in a larger population (56 participants). All of these studies were double-blind and placebo-controlled, and this latest study has been praised for its quality. All of the participants had potentially life-threatening cancer diagnoses and significant anxiety and/or depression symptoms. One group received a high dose of psilocybin, equivalent to 3.5 g of mushrooms (P. Cubensis), and the placebo group received a low dose, equivalent to 0.25 g of mushrooms. Before the day they received the medication, they had an average of three preparation sessions. Two therapists were present throughout the process and the room where the treatment took place was a “homey” room with plants, pictures, and a couch on which the participants would lie. Following the medicine day, participants had an average of six integration meetings, again with both therapists present.
The results were measured by asking both the participants themselves and other observers such as family, colleagues and friends. 62% reported that the high-dose experience was among the five most meaningful experiences they have had in their lives, with experiences such as the birth of a child, a death in the immediate family, a wedding and the like being on the list. 86% reported a moderate to high increase in quality of life, a figure that only decreased by 3.5% over the course of six months. When measuring the reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression, the results were 52-60% for the high-dose group compared to 12-16% for the placebo group.
These were very promising results and paved the way for much of the more recent research with psilocybin.