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6-day course in MDMA-assisted therapy

A colleague and friend I have met regularly over several years suggested to me that we should arrange an experiential course in MDMA-assisted therapy. He has worked as a holistic doctor and therapist since the 80s and has an incredible amount of experience with various forms of group therapy and psychedelic retreats. He is also probably one of the people who has the best overview of the research in this field in the world. Since I am one of the people he knows with the most practical experience with MDMA therapy (and we like each other), he asked if I would like to join in on this. At the stage of my life I am in now, with small children, I have become very selective about what I spend a lot of time on, but I could not say no to this. In December 2024, we ran a test round with 15 therapists to see how our setup would work. My colleague has used his experience to set the structure for the program, and I must admit that it was an unusual course, to say the least.


There are many knowledge-based courses of varying lengths in this field. Some of them include hands-on training in relevant support techniques. However, very few courses provide an opportunity for true experiential learning. This is the need our intensive experiential training program addresses.


The training takes place as a six-day/five-night stay, supplemented by individual, small group, and full-group video calls both before and after the gathering.

During the course we work in:

  • Therapy triads (small groups with three participants and a facilitator)
  • Learning review in medium-sized groups (four participants, one from each triad, and a facilitator)
  • Full group meetings

We aim for a group of twelve participants, with four facilitators and one assistant. The high ratio of facilitators per participant helps to optimize learning.

Daily schedule

The first three full days follow a similar rhythm:

  • Opportunity for physical activity
  • Full group meditation
  • Breakfast (optional)
  • Orientation and integration meetings in therapy triads (three participants + one facilitator)
  • Learning review in groups (four participants, one from each triad + one facilitator)
  • Lunch (optional)
  • Experiential therapy work in triads, where the roles of client, main therapist and co-therapist are rotated over three days
  • Closing circle
  • Dinner

The fourth full day and fifth half day are dedicated to further integration of the learning.

Who is it suitable for?

Healthcare professionals and others working in support of this field. Relevant knowledge and personal experience are recommended. Typical applicants include:

  • Psychotherapists
  • Counsellors
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatric nurses
  • Social workers
  • Psychiatrists
  • Palliative care physician
  • General practitioners
  • Practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine

We also consider applicants with other relevant backgrounds. Personal health and background will be taken into account in the admissions process.

Dates and costs

The first course will be held June 9-14. The price is £1,850 , and includes:

  • 4–6 hours of video calls before the meeting
  • Six-day course (including board and lodging)
  • 4–6 hours of video calls after the meeting

To apply, please contact us using the form below to arrange an initial video call.

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Contact me at+47 916 96 946 if the form doesn't work.

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